Our Practice
Carson Chiro-Med Center was founded in order to provide services to the community of Carson and surrounding area. At our Center, we provide medical, orthopedic & chiropractic services with many years of experience in the field of personal injuries and workers' compensation.
Dr. Charles M. Bosley is our staff orthopedic surgeon. He has more than 40 years of experience in the med-legal field. His reports are quite comprehensive and he is highly credible and well respected in the med-legal field.
Dr. David D. Hoorfar and Dr. Farzad Rabbany are both chiropractors that have over 40 years combined experience in the med-legal field. Both doctors are Qualified Medical Evaluators and Certified Functional Capacity Evaluators.

Let's talk

Carson Chiro-Med
21039 S. Figueroa St. Suite 301
Hours & Days
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
PH: (424) 731-7002
FX: (424) 731-7087